Let’s assume you’re going to catch Covid-19 sooner than later. It’s now in the mix of bugs in our mainstream lives.
The number of cases will continue to skyrocket.
So obviously, while we try to avoid inundating our healthcare system with high rates during this initial wave of infection let us focus on getting our immune system‘s as healthy as possible.
Then we can reduce our dependence on the healthcare system long term!
But we will never be able to totally avoid infection.
What you do now and everyday onward will dictate whether you have only a relatively mild case that quickly resolves, or struggle with more severe symptoms.
I specialize in preventative and natural medicine and chronic immune related issues. So, I’m not on the ‘frontlines’ with this pandemic.
I’m who you were hopefully working with before this, and if you do not currently have a URI, I am who can help you greatly reduce your risks of this and other factors affecting your health going forward.
I’ve been offering remote/virtual consultations for years. So, please reach out for individual support... or support for your household. Schedule yours now HERE.
Here are 13 tips that I hope you will take to heart:
1. Eat Whole Foods.
Local, fresh, organic if possible. Mostly Veggies, fruits, nuts, beans and whole grains. There are zillions of easy recipes out there. I have several simple ones that are my staples. I also have supplemental ‘tricks’ to ensure everyone is getting good vitamins and minerals in when food prep options are limited.
2. Reduce/eliminate refined sugars.
I can recommend healthy sweet alternatives. Trust me, I’m a sugar junkie.
3. Eliminate low grade dairy products, and use only high quality raw or at least organic dairy.
Phlegm is the primary culprit of exacerbated URI symptoms is phlegm in the lungs. Processed Dairy (& sugar & processed wheats) feed phlegm.
4. Stop smoking and liquid vaping.
I can recommend great smokeless alternatives. I inhale herbs regularly for my health. But not smoke or chemicals.
5. Stop drinking alcohol.
If this feels difficult, AA is offering many remote support groups. And I work with addiction a lot.
6. Develop good sleeping and relaxation habits.
I have so many tools to support you with this vital component of daily life.
7. Do my weekly online guided meditation classes... and develop your practice space at home.
Use it daily. Another thing I work on with my patient-students.
8. Stock up on natural immune boosters.
Vitamin C, echinacea, turmeric, etc. There are dozens of options. Learn when and how to take various things for optimal support before, during, and even after infection.
9. Learn to use a neti pot!
Keep your nasal/sinus pathways clear of pathogens.
10. Gargle with simple natural things and learn about good teas to keep your mouth and throat in optimal condition.
I have favorite cough drops and sprays too.
11. Move your body at least 20-minutes every day...
dance, walk, bounce, make love, yoga, qigong, etc.
12. Get at least 20-minutes of sunshine and fresh air daily if possible.
Or supplement with Vit D and more breathing exercises.
13. Remember that each of us needs different things at different times, so if you have any questions or need any individual support, please schedule a consultation with me.
I really have spent my entire life preparing for this moment in time. I have tried to prepare as many other people as possible. And I am happy to help prepare you now for the next few weeks and the rest of your life as we all navigate this crazy time in this crazy and beautiful world.
Dr G