I have a hard question to ask you.
Regardless of your stance:
Whether you think the virus is wild, man made, Bill Gates vaccine agenda, or just coincidence…
Whether you are for the Stay At Home Order, or protesting and defying the SAHO…
Whether you totally trust the MSM and government, or think they can’t be trusted…
We could argue, split hairs etc. Let’s not though.
Right now, I ask you: Why is COVID19 the thing that got the world to shut down?
Is shutting down the world for months the best way to handle a virus that has an over 95% survival rate at its onset & that mainly effects the same populations as any other spreadable illness (elderly, immunocompromised, etc).
The US alone has been through a Revolutionary War, a Civil War, World Wars I & II, 9/11, Smallpox, Measles, The Spanish Flu, and Polio!
In none of those incidents did we shut down the entire US Economy.
But right now, for the first time, free citizens are isolating ourselves and accepting decrees more stringent than ever in US history. Not only in the US, but globally… for COVID19.
Why for COVID19?
There is true and real suffering that is going on right now directly and indirectly related to this novel virus. Every life is sacred. Every death is sacred. There are healthcare providers and advocates pouring their hearts-minds-souls into addressing this historically profound global crisis.
Simultaneously, there are other preventable global crises that take millions of lives year after year. Of course there are many viruses. Some very deadly. Yet, this singular virus is the sole reason our national and global governments are claiming we need to take drastic measures because they care so much about our health. I want to believe this is true. I want to believe our governments care this much about our health.
Let’s look at the biggest existing and preventable killers of humans in the world. Let’s ask why such drastic measures are being taken for this one virus. Let’s ask why NOT for these other killers. We could have been saving exponentially more people for years with less drastic measures than are being taken right now. And with these less drastic measures, our global population would be able to handle this and other viruses with far fewer symptoms and deaths. And no need to shut down the world.
Tobacco cigarettes are still for sale amidst a global pandemic attacking the respiratory system. Nicotine kills 7 million people every year. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), these products are the leading cause of preventable death IN THE WORLD. https://www.tobaccofreekids.org/problem/toll-global
The whole economy could stay open, except the tobacco industry and anyone making money off of these people being sick and dying, and we’d save 7 million people.
Why not shut down cigarette businesses
for 7 million people who die from smoking tobacco every year?
Why have we shut down the world for COVID19?
Even though the WHO says cigarettes are the leader, according to a study conducted by the Seattle based Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) titled 'Global Burden of Disease’; junk food is killing even more people than smoking tobacco. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/eating-junk-food-is-killing-people-more-than-smoking-finds-a-study/photostory/69202527.cms?picid=69202655
If the governments care about our health, why have they not shut down fast food restaurants and producers of highly processed junk foods with no nutritional value and known disease-causing ingredients? This ‘food’ is even served inside our hospitals, schools, and nursing homes. Much less every grocery store in the world
Why are these products not only allowed, but promoted widely, when junk food kills 11 million people every year? Why are we dolling out these toxins when malnutrition and obesity put us at higher risks for complications and death when contracting a virus, and a myriad of other diseases? https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/04/190403193702.htm
Why not shut down junk food business
for 11 million people who die from eating junk food every year?
Why have we shut down the world for COVID19?
Here’s one that will be a hard pill for many to swallow. But let’s try.
According to the WHO, alcohol kills 3 million people per year. WHO says one in 20 deaths worldwide was linked to harmful drinking. And global consumption is predicted to rise in the next decade. https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/alcohol-related-deaths-1.4833011
During this global shutdown, the liquor stores are open.
Why haven’t we shut those down right now?
Why not for 3 million people who die from alcohol every year?
Why have we shut down the world for COVID19?
We could keep the entire economy open, except alcohol, cigarette, and junk food producers and sellers… give all of those people jobs on organic farms that replace the spaces those mega-toxic-dangerous industries take up with health-giving products,
and save a MINIMUM of 21 million people every year.
Why not make some big changes for 21 million people every single year
without having to shut down the whole world?
Why have we shut down the world for COVID19?
How many people are going to die from COVID19, even combined with every other cold & flu induced infection this year? Next year? The year after that? How many died with any virus as cause of death on average last year? Hint… not 21 million. According to the CDC, the common flu kills up to 290,000-650,000/year. https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2017/p1213-flu-death-estimate.html
Everyone of these lives is sacred. Their lives and deaths each have a powerful lesson that I hope will help us learn to reduce or avoid such tragedies in the future. Based on history and current events, our odds are not looking good. This virus is now in the general population to stay, along with dozens of others. Some more dangerous, some less. Hundreds of thousands will continue to die every year with a virus as the primary recorded cause of death. But the odds of death for alcohol, nicotine, and junk food addicts are infinitely worse.
Even for those with a virus labeled as the cause of death… how many of these deaths had cofactors? How many of these people (for example) regularly drank alcohol, smoked cigarettes, &/or ate junk food? How many were immunologically fragile for a myriad of reasons, and risked death if they had gotten a bad strain of flu? How many could have likely reduced or avoided symptoms, much less death if they had practiced better hygiene (wash hands regularly, cover coughs/sneezes with something other than our hands, etc). Wouldn’t they have been more likely to recover from the flu if they had not had regular alcohol, cigarettes, &/or junk food? What if they also had free basic healthcare, and a fair working wage, and lived in an economy that prioritized services and products that promoted a healthy planet and people?
So… if we nixed alcohol, cigarettes, junk food, and improved education and access for basic hygiene practices… we’d probably keep a whole bunch of those 650,000 people alive, along with any others dying with viral infections like COVID19 as part of their co-factors. As a bonus, we would save at least 21 MILLION others too!
The world has been through major wars and pandemics.
We never shut down the entire world for months, much less suggested total draconian measures like mandated long-term social distancing, microchipping, and inoculation.
Why are we handing over our rights, minimizing or all-out-excluding any natural medical solutions, isolating ourselves, keeping alcohol/tobacco/junk-food businesses open, and letting huge swaths of our global economy crash…
for COVID19?
Honestly, I do have some theories, but I don’t know why.
I don’t want to be a ‘conspiracy theorist’. Really, I want someone to tell me why, that doesn’t involve a conspiracy.
Because here I am, sheltering in place, wearing a mask to get groceries, with nearly no income and all the same bills coming in.
Hands-on naturally-based healthcare practices have been decimated. I have a clinical doctoral degree and am a medical professional with 20 years of healthcare experience. I am trained to diagnose and treat from classical medical perspectives that have been navigating viruses for 3,000+ years. This in addition to working with all health issues.
Our state, national, and global healthcare and government systems opted for a global shut down to deal with a novel virus with a likely less than .5% mortality rate (if you factor in all the people who have not been tested). They are doing this without calling in natural medical practitioners to work the front-lines. Rather, they are shutting us down almost entirely. I mean, this part is nothing new. But at least we found ways to operate within the system, even if on its fringes.
They are barely even looking at our herbal formulas, acupuncture protocols, yoga and qi gong movement practices, etc. Things that have shown to be extremely effective both preventatively and curatively for respiratory diseases, including COVID19. https://classicalchinesemedicine.org/a/clinical/
And I am just wondering… WHY?
Why are we shutting down natural medical research and treatment for COVID19, while we ramp up pharmaceutical research and treatment at lightening speed?
And more importantly, why are we NOT shutting down services that directly contribute to 21,000,000 or more preventable deaths every year?
I didn’t even mention children dying from hunger, or people dying just because of inadequate access to clean water, etc, etc, etc
Because those are tougher problems to tackle.
Although I think we could have done it with less expense than is going to go into treating and recovering from this pandemic.
But I’ll leave it at simply looking at alcohol, cigarettes, & junk food… verses a novel virus with an extremely low mortality rate right out of the gate.
People… I know it is scary. I know we need to be careful (full-of-care) with each other through this crisis. As always, it is important to protect and care for the more vulnerable among us. I know the major government bodies and MSM are sure this is a novel virus pandemic worthy of these severe measures. It certainly seems that social distancing mandates are working their way into the fabric of our long-term public lives, as is most likely a large-scale attempt to microchip and inoculate every citizen. I also know that no matter how things go from here, many of us have seemingly insurmountable challenges to face in how we will survive, and certainly how we will even remotely find our ways back into a flow within our material circumstances.
What I don’t know is why didn’t this forced shift come earlier, and in more gentle ways for the global economy? Why didn’t the global focus on radical healthcare measures come through implementing restrictions and shut-downs for only the top three PREVENTABLE killers of humans on the planet? Measures that would also exponentially help increase the recovery rates from viruses.
Why for COVID19, and not for the tens of millions who die easily preventable deaths year after every single year?
I can not tell you why. No one will ever be able to definitively tell us why.
What I can tell you, is that cutting regular use of alcohol, smoking tobacco (and I’ll add using those toxic liquid vape pens), and eliminating junk food… and practicing basic good hygiene will save infinitely more lives than this virus is going to take.
Exercising, having access to clean water and food, getting out in nature, and having healthy social networks in the real world, reducing screen time, and developing relationships with naturally-based healthcare practitioners will exponentially improve health outcomes across the board. Why not just give these things a try even, before shutting down the world, and certainly before all these draconian measures that are putting some of the healthiest among us in precarious long term situations, much less those in various disenfranchised demographics.
Whatever your opinions on how this moment is being handled on a global scale, at least ask WHY it is happening. Then, ask what you are doing to help flatten the curves that have been rising unremittingly for decades; killing our loved ones in the order of tens of millions every year, now including the several hundred thousand dying right now with a COVID virus in their bodies.
I asked hard questions here. One that likely none of us can definitively answer. That makes it even more important to ask.
Healthcare is often a practice of solving mysteries. I often feel like a detective. I specialize in building stronger immune systems, and treating addictions and trauma. Many of my patient-students have complex cases and conditions. Most of us do when we get down to it.
Whether you need support with a viral health issue, or any health issue, I am here to support you using all of the skills I have acquired through decades and thousands of hours of study and practice.
I have been offering remote consultations for years. So, no matter where you are, if you would like my support, I will be with you every vital breath of the way!
I am happy to consult, compliment, and support conventional MDs and healthcare practitioners and their patients. I am happy to help you regardless of your beliefs, as long as you believe there is a place for natural healthcare measures in your life, and the lives of all humans on this planet.
If you are a healthcare professional, you may be interested in integrating yoga and other asian bodywork therapies into your practices that are needed now more than ever. I would love to help you do that.
Thank you to all who took your precious time to read this long essay. It only shares one small part of my thoughts at this time. I hope though, that it gives some perspective and inspiration for how we can work together to be healthier, and help millions of others live more vitally.
In Service to Health,
Dr G